Hardware | Aercus WeatherRanger |
WeeWX Driver | HP1000 |
Server uptime | 260386 seconds |
WeeWX uptime | 260380 seconds |
WeeWX version | 5.0.2 |
Python version | 3.12.8 |
Belchertown version | 1.3b1 |
This station uses WeeWX and the Belchertown WeeWX skin. It uses MQTT to update the web browser whenever data is received from the weather station (every 16 seconds).
This is a personal hobby station using an Aercus WeatherRanger (a rebadged Fineoffset HP1000). Most measurements are accurate when compared to London Heathrow airport (EGLL) which is 11km/7mi away. However local wind speed and direction is affected by trees in neighbouring gardens which reduce wind speed and cause swirl.
The US AQI (2024 edition with lower PM2∙5), EU CAQI and UK DAQI are calculated from the 2-hour average from nearby SensorCommunity PM10 and PM2∙5 particulate matter sensors and NO2, O3, CO and SO2 readings are monitored from AerisWeather
External feeds
Weather observations:- PWSweather.com
- Weather Underground
- Citizen Weather Observer Program (CWOP)
- Met Office WOW
- Weathercloud.net
- Windy.com
Current PM and AQI values
official average measurement periods marked
Credits and thanks
- Pat O'Brien for implementing this excellent WeeWX skin
- Forecasts by AerisWeather.
- Earthquakes (< 150 km and > magnitude 2) from British Geological Survey
- HighCharts (for graphs)
- Mosquitto MQTT broker (for live updates)